Clean Air Awards

Clean air matters. Alberta Capital Airshed wants to celebrate the individuals and organizations working to make a difference in air quality. 
In 2021, Alberta Capital Airshed launched the ACA Clean Air Awards. These annual awards recognize contributions made toward cleaner air.
There are three categories:
Raising Awareness of Air Quality
Innovation and Application of Technology
Contributing Toward Improving Community Air Quality

Alberta Capital Airshed would also like to acknowledge Parkland Airshed Management Zone (PAMZ) for inspiring us with their Blue Sky Awards.

Clean Air Award Recipients

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Clean Air Awards!

Raising Awareness of Air Quality
– University of Alberta

Dr. Amina Hussein and a talented team of University of Alberta Software Engineering students—Jay Pasrija, Roberto Villarreal Andrade, and Pranj Patel – have developed an enhanced Air Quality Dashboard and GIS Mapping Tool. Through their diligent efforts, Dr. Hussein and her team have made substantial contributions to air quality awareness and public health, and authored the “Outdoor and Indoor Air-Quality Monitoring Recommendations for Childcare Centres.” These recommendations are designed to empower childcare centre staff by providing them with the necessary tools to assess health risks for children during poor air quality events, such as wildfires. The comprehensive guidelines ensure that the wellbeing of the youngest and most vulnerable members of our community is prioritized.

The Air Quality Dashboard is a powerful tool that enhances accessibility to crucial air quality information. It allows users to pinpoint their location and access data from the nearest AQHI station and the three closest microsensors. This functionality significantly aids childcare centres by offering real-time, localized air quality data, enabling staff to make informed decisions to protect their tiny clients.

Innovation and Application of Technology
– City of Spruce Grove

The City of Spruce Grove has taken an innovative approach to air quality monitoring by integrating air quality monitoring technology into urban infrastructure. By installing microsensors on light standards, they have enhanced the city’s capability to monitor and manage air quality.

The Liveable Cities and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) Air Quality Pilot Program aims to create healthier urban environments, and Spruce Grove’s proactive participation sets a benchmark for other municipalities. The deployment of these microsensors demonstrates how modern technology can be utilized to promote environmental sustainability and public health, and showcase the potential of smart city solutions in fostering a liveable and healthy community.

Contributing Toward Improving Community Air Quality
– Scott Lummer, Amateur Meteorologist

ACA recognizes Scott Lummer’s commitment to promoting air quality awareness and sharing valuable data within his community. His passion for meteorology and environmental stewardship has made an impact in his Summerside community.

By monitoring local air quality and sharing real-time data, Scott has empowered his neighbours with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health and environment. His efforts have fostered a heightened awareness of air quality issues and their implications on daily life. Scott’s contributions demonstrate how individual dedication can drive meaningful change within a community.

2023 Clean Air Awards

Raising Awareness of Air Quality – Strathcona County 
Innovation and Application of Technology – Edmonton Transit Services
Contributing Toward Improving Community Air Quality – Prince Rupert Community League

2022 Clean Air Awards

Raising Awareness of Air Quality – Inside Education 
Innovation and Application of Technology – Dr. Ran Zhao, University of Alberta
Contributing Toward Improving Community Air Quality – Dr. Greg King, University of Alberta (Augustana)

2021 Clean Air Awards

Raising Awareness of Air Quality – Tomorrow Foundation for a Sustainable Future
Innovation and Application of Technology – Lehigh Henson Cement
Contributing Toward Improving Community Air Quality –  Sarah Hunter, community organizer

Interested in nominating someone for next year’s awards?

Eligibility Requirements

Awards are open to individuals, groups, or organizations that have made a positive impact on air quality in the Alberta Capital Airshed region over the last year. Candidates can be nominated by the Alberta Capital Airshed Board, the nominees themselves, or by others.

To nominate an individual, group or organization for this award email us at Please include the following information:

  1. Name and contact information of nominator
  2. Name and contact information for nominee
  3. The category you are nominating the individual, group or organization for
  4. Why you think they should receive this award